Saturday 2 April 2016

SPOT LEAP Camp 2016

This post is going to be about one of the most interesting experiences of my life thus far. 

From the 28th to 31st March 2016, I stayed over at Kota Tinggi Rainforest Resort Campsite for my Foundation LEAP Camp with the SPOT family (2016). I was grouped with 15 other members and I must say, they brought a whole new meaning to my life. 

To be completely honest, I wasn't exactly looking forward to the idea of leaving the comfort of my bedroom and going over to stay in a tent with concrete ground, wrapping myself in the sleeping bag I dreaded carrying around with the 2 other bags I had. I didn't really know a lot about my team members except for 3 people whom I met at the 7-Habits Workshop. Samantha, Marc, and Sabrina were so sweet to me and I really made a connection with them.

Then, on the actual day, we reported at T11 Square at 7.35am where I first my met Student Facilitator, Lyna, and all the other team members of the soon-to-be Team P.I.A (Professionals in Action). We played a few games and went through a round of introduction before boarding the bus to Kota Tinggi.

We got there 10-15 mins before the expected time and were given expectations/rules/guidelines, whichever you would like to call them. We played more games and soon, we came to realise that the activities we were about to take part in were actually tied in to the 7 Habits we learned about from the workshop.

Each activity challenged our ability to work together, plan, strategise and make decisions with time restrictions. I wouldn't want to go too much into the details of what we did for each of the activity but they were all very much relevant to what we were to expect in our lives. Kayaking, tug-of-war and an 8km trek, the list goes on and on. 

But, to me, the most memorable part of the entire camp was when my team members and I stayed up on Campfire night until 3am, talking about our lives, pouring our hearts out to each other. We cried, we empathised, we bonded. I never, in my whole entire life, felt so connected to a group of people, who just a few days ago, were complete strangers to me. 

I want to take this opportunity to thank the following team members for finding a very special place in my heart:
  • Samantha, my awesome buddy. You were there with me every single moment, encouraging me to do things I never thought I would do. You're so inspiring and I look up to you for all those times you did things you were afraid to even think about! I also want to thank you for constantly stretching and challenging me to do greater things. You're my silent hero <3
  • Marc, my precious entertainer. You're such a good dancer and an even better choreographer!! Thank you for entertaining me throughout the entire camp and saving me from that huge, gigantic, enormous rock during the trek. Tq for buying me the ice-cream I never ate. :p
  • Roslee, my saviour. You're so hilarious and I really want to thank you for telling me things a stranger would never tell another. I want to thank you for trusting me enough to tell me all those things you did. I also want to thank you for opening up to us when you never felt like doing so. I appreciate your efforts in being my kayak-partner and telling me what the hell I was suppose to do because I had no idea. Thanks man!
  • En Hau, Jonathan, Ian, Feng Jie, Dillon, Wei Jie, Heriz, Xing Yi, Niki, Zi Ying, Jack and SJ, for always being there for me, never giving up on me, and helping me grow as an individual throughout the entire duration of this camp.
I love you guys to the moon and back! 

Reshma :)

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